The Greatest Showman
I saw The Greatest Showman for the 5th time yesterday, and loved it even more. My grandson, who turned 8 and loves all things Lego and dragons, and action, wanted me to take him to see it for his birthday date. He loves to listen to the soundtrack when I pick him up from school a couple of times a week. He goes to a school about 30 minutes away for kids who are "on the spectrum."
When we listen, he asks me to explain what is happening in each song and then he does some analyzing. So, this song is really about being kind to everyone. Or, this song means we should be proud of who we are. He says that the songs make him feel good. He turned and hugged me during Come Alive at the theater because he was feeling pure joy. Music is better than drugs.
When I am in pain from my surgery, if I listen to music, usually The Greatest Showman and dance, even if I can't use my feet, my pain goes away in a couple of songs. The doctor should say, "Dance 2 songs and call me in the morning." Dancing is a powerful drug.
My final, (for today,) take away from The Greatest Showman is: if you are ever kissing on the beach, make sure it is windy and that you are wearing a long scarf. Dreamy.
Animal Kingdom
My granddaughters would rather be animals than people. They act more like animals than people. They sound more like animals than people. They know a lot about animals. They have watched a lot of animal shows. They know what animals do, so it was great Sunday dinner conversation when they said to my teenage son and his new girlfriend, "You guys should mate when you get older."
I am those people. . .
I used to go to the gym and look at the people in the pool and think, ah, those people. The people who can't do real exercise. The old people. Well, now I am "those" people and, I like those people. I like being in the pool and exercising with those people. I actually sweat in the water. Is it because I'm old or because what I thought was easy exercise really isn't? So, until you've walked a mile in someone else's shoes or swam in someone else's suit . . . You know what I mean.