When my friend arranged to have some sisters in our ward (congregation) over so that she could take a picture of what a Relief Society ministering interview looked like and then realized she wouldn't be home to take the picture, she asked her good friend me if I would take it. Since I am such a good friend and ever so nice and helpful and would do just about anything for this friend, I said yes.
This is the picture my friend wanted and it turned out ever so nice.
But since we were the only ones in her house and we think we are so darn funny, we took a few more. Maybe she can use these in a slideshow titled What Ministering May or May Not Look Like. I guess that's okay with me as long as she gives me photo credits.
and my personal favorite--
So, if you ever need some pictures taken at your house while you're not home, call me. I'm your girl. #Iprobablyshouldn'tbearealtor